I don't know if you would rank it up there with sightings of the Virgin Mary in a tortilla or a waffle, but you must admit it's remarkable. CSB noticed this morning that the bees in our observation hive have clustered in the shape of a Coptic Cross. (Mother, please take note.) My grandfather, Arnold, would be delighted. Wherever he traveled, in Upper Egypt or the Sudan, he visited Coptic churches and collected Coptic crosses.
It may be worth noting that the Queen in this indoor hive is called Benedicta, for the new pope, and is the only one of our named queens NOT named for an ex-girlfriend of CSB.
Since my mother claims she cannot figure out how to post a comment (I have my doubts, given her technological savvy, but that's another matter) I will post her her emailed comments:
Your grandfather’s name is ARNOULD, and not Arnold. Please note. Other than this tiny spelling mistake and misconception of geography (my father traveled on a regular basis to Ethiopia every two months, not much in the Sudan, no business there) nice blog. However, if I may continue with my “comment,” your bee cross resembles more a cross of Jerusalem (which has even sized arms) while Ethiopian crosses, have the formula of a roman cross, long vertical and short horizontals arms.
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