
Saturday, August 16, 2008

More things to do on Cuttyhunk

  • Go clamming at Nashawena. Try to figure out what the slimy transparent caterpillar like things are, floating in the water, by the millions. Paul disturbed a couple of horseshoe crabs in flagrente, so he thinks, and dislodged a stream of these mysterious transparent gelatinous floaters leaving us to determine that they are horseshoe crab egg sacs. I take many pictures of them floating in the water and it is impossible to see anything at all. So I scoop up a few of put them on my colored pencil tin for background.
  • Discuss, ad nauseum, jellyfish. How squeamish are we about jellyfish? It depends. Amuse ourselves coming up with ever more grotesque similes for the jellyfish (zits; bubonic plague buboes).
  • Visit the Historical Society and admire the mannequin dressed up as Bartholomew Gosnold, and also the quahog mosaic of the American flag. (Jasper Johns, donde estas?)
  • Get your hair cut on the MV dock with Doreen, the hairdresser from New Bedford who comes over on the ferry every 2 weeks, armed with her scissors, plastic cape, blow-dryer, hair clips and gels.

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